
St. Augustine: 30 Caputo Road, North Branford, CT 06471

St. Monica: 1321 Middletown Ave., Northford CT 06472

The office is located in the Parish Center at St. Augustine


Traits of a Disciple - Tell Others and Build Faithful Community

Tell Others and Build Faithful Community

Through Christ, you have access to the gift of everlasting life! if this is what you really believe, wouldn't you want to share that with others? Our faith is personal, but it isn't private. Christ was sent into the world to lead people to salvation and as His disciples, we are called to follow His lead and continue His mission to do the same. others will come to know Christ if they hear about Him and they will hear about Him only if disciples are willing to talk and share what they believe! Disciples are called as individuals to do His work, but they aren't called to do it alone! God is a community of persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and He desires us to be a community of persons too. The more you surround yourself with others who are following Christ, the easier your own journey will be because you'll have the support, guidance and love of others walking beside you. Building community, just like building relationships, takes a conscious decision, effort and time - but it's always worth it!

Reflection Questions

  • Do I believe that through Christ I receive eternal life? Do I want to share this with others? Do I think it is important for others to know about Christ, the Church and salvation?
  • What holds me back from sharing more about my faith? Am I willing to work on that?
  • Would other people know I was Catholic by looking at how I live my life?
  • Do I encourage others in their faith?
  • Do I put in effort to be a part of the parish community and/or youth ministry?
  • Am I a part of a small group?
  • Do I surround myself with people who help me to become a more committed follower of Christ?
  • Is there someone in my life that I already talk to about my faith?

Examples of Action Steps

  • Think about the relationships you have in your life and if there is someone you're already comfortable talking to about your faith. Continue having those conversations and receiving that support.
  • As you learn more about your faith and grow in a deeper relationship with Christ, share that with others. If your faith is important to you, it should be important to those who care about you.
  • Get to know others in your parish. The only way to do that is to be present! Go to Mass weekly, attend Youth Ministry events and parish wide gatherings.
  • Contact the Parish Office to talk about about getting together with friends in a small group if you aren't already! You can hang out with your friends and a mentor, talk about life, faith, God, relationships, etc. and discuss answers to some of your biggest questions.
  • Take a look at the people that you surround yourself with and who you spend the most time with. Do they support and love you? Do they bring out the best in you? Do they lead you closer to God?

To return to the T.R.A.I.T.S. of a Disciple, click here.

To continue on to Reflection Questions and Examples of Action Steps for Intentionally Pray, click here.

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