
St. Augustine: 30 Caputo Road, North Branford, CT 06471

St. Monica: 1321 Middletown Ave., Northford CT 06472

The office is located in the Parish Center at St. Augustine




St. Ambrose Parish Faith Formation

The faith community of St. Ambrose through it's Youth Faith Formation is committed to carry on the catechetical mission of the Church by effectively supporting parents in their role as primary teachers of the Catholic faith. We strive to instill within our youth a Catholic identity, to cultivate religious literacy, and develop a sense of social justice and service. We endeavor to plant the seeds of knowledge that will grow deeply in appreciation for liturgy and prayer. We trust that through participation in the sacraments, our students may encounter the living Christ, and be formed as true disciples, prepared to witness the mercy and salvation of God to the world.

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

  • Level I: Ages 3-5
  • Level II: Ages 6-9
  • Level III: Ages 9-12

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) is a Montessori-based faith formation program based on the educational principles of Maria Montessori. It offers a pathway for even the youngest child to experience the joy of entering into the mystery of God. At St. Ambrose Parish, we have Level 1, 2 and 3 atria for children ages 3-12. This atrium is a sacred space dedicated to CGS where children retreat from the noisiness of the modern world and enter a place of prayer. Child sized furnishings, manipulatives, and objects based on Scripture and Liturgy placed in the atrium encourage joyful self-discovery, foster community, and accommodate all learning styles. This approach, like all Montessori methods, respects children's individualism by allowing each child to grow and explore at their own pace. By allowing the child this natural path to unfold, they encounter Jesus and their faith in a deeply personal way.

Level I, II, and III Schedules

Sundays - 9:15am - 10:45am St. Augustine Parish Center

Mondays - 4:30pm-6:00pm St. Augustine Parish Center

Tuesdays - 4:00pm-5:30pm  St. Augustine Parish Center

Wednesdays - 5:00pm-6:30pm St. Augustine Parish Center

If you have any questions regarding Catechesis of the Good Shepherd,

please contact Judy Derbacher, CRE or Cyndie Baker, Operations Manager.


Open to parents of children registered in a Faith Formation program who would like to learn more about their faith. 

Father Turner meets parents once a month on a Monday evening from 7-8 M via zoom for formation and Q & A.

Junior High School Program

Grades 7&8

Our grade 7 and 8 students meet three Monday evenings a month for instruction and discussion using YOUCAT. YOUCAT is the Catechism of the Catholic Church for adolescents and young people. The most important elements of the faith are summarized briefly and comprehensibly. The YOUCAT was approved by the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith in Rome. The program is broken down into four parts that are covered in a two year program. Year One will cover What We Believe and How We Celebrate the Christian Mysteries. Year Two will cover How We Are to Have Life in Christ and How We Should Pray.


High School Pre-Confirmation

Small Groups

Grades 9-12

When teens reach high school, they will be invited to continue to grow in faith through a Discipleship module as opposed to strictly instructional classes. Discipleship isn't about passing a test or learning facts over a set number of years; it's a life-long journey where someone continues to deepen their relationship with Christ and commits to living their life like His. It reminds us that our Catholic Faith is something to be lived rather than just learned! Small groups meet every other week with an adult Small Group Leader and spend time discussing questions they may have about God, faith, relationships, religion, life, their future and anything else they may want to discuss. Small Group Leaders facilitate discussion and share about what it means to be a practicing Catholic in today's world. The goal is for the teens to grow in relationship with others in their parish community and receive guidance and support from their leader and dive into a deeper understanding of the faith and into a deeper relationship with our Lord. Teens that have spent at least one year during high school attending small group and begin to take ownership of their faith life are invited to begin the Confirmation Preparation program when they desire to.


Post-Confirmation Small Group

After a teen is Confirmed, teens are invited to continue to grow in their faith and continue to grow in relationship with other teens in their parish community. They meet once a month and will be provided with continued opportunities to encounter Christ and grow in authentic relationship with Him. There will be discussion evenings on a variety of topics both with Small Group Leaders and visiting speakers and they will enjoy events, gatherings, and service and prayer opportunities. The Post-Confirmation Small Group provides those on the road to becoming a young adult the opportunity for continued support and encouragement in taking ownership of their faith life, deepening their faith and becoming a disciple of Christ.

Please contact Cyndie Baker if you have any other questions!

Office of Religious Education

Office Hours

Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri : 9am-1pm with limited hours during faith formation classes.

The office is located in the Parish Center at St. Augustine, 30 Caputo Road, North Branford



Religious Education Staff

Cyndie Baker

Operations Manager

203-484-0403 ext. 305


Judy Derbacher 

Faith Formation Coordinator: Gr 1-6

203-484-0403 ext. 303


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