Traits of a Disciple - Strengthened by the Sacraments
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If you're feeling overwhelmed by how you will ever or could ever become a disciple of Christ, there is good news! This isn't something you do by your own power or strength - it is something that can only be attained through God's grace! Yes, you need to make the decision whether you want to begin taking the steps toward discipleship but it is through grace that you are strengthened to continue those steps throughout your life. You can receive God's grace in many ways but it is through the Sacraments that you receive a special grace, called Sacramental grace. When someone meets Christ, falls in love with Him and begins to learn more about His teachings and His love for us, they will be drawn to the Sacraments. The Sacraments are such beautiful gifts because they give us the opportunity to come in direct contact with Christ!
Reflection Questions
- Do I believe in the presence of Christ in the Sacraments?
- Do I desire to receive the Sacraments and the graces that come with them?
- Do I view the Sacraments as something to be earned or a gift to be received?
- Have I been Baptized?
- When was the last time I went to Confession? Do I go regularly, especially if I have committed a Mortal Sin?
- Do I attend Mass each Sunday and Holy Days of Obligation?
- Do I receive the Eucharist at Mass?
- Have I been Confirmed? Do I want to be Confirmed?
Examples of Action Steps
- Take time to learn more about the
Seven Sacraments, the graces that come with them and how we can be strengthened through them.
Holy Orders,
Matrimony and
Anointing of the Sick.
- If you haven't received the Sacrament of
Baptism yet and would like to, contact the St. Ambrose Parish Office for more information.
- Go to Confession at least once a year but preferably much more regularly! Confession times at our parish are: Saturday 8:30am at St. Monica, 3pm at St. Augustine or by appointment. Click
here for help on how to prepare and go to Confession.
- Attend Mass each Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation and receive the Eucharist if you've confessed any mortal sins you've committed.
- If you haven't received the Sacrament of Confirmation and would like to, click
here for more information on the Sacrament and
here to see what steps can be made to prepare yourself for the reception of it.
- If you've ever thought about the Priesthood or Religious Life, or would just like to learn more about either, check out the
Archdiocese of Hartford Office of Vocations.
- Know someone who is seriously ill or about to undergo a serious surgery? Call the Parish Office to inquire about the Anointing of the Sick.
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