St. Augustine: 30 Caputo Road, North Branford, CT 06471
St. Monica: 1321 Middletown Ave., Northford CT 06472
The office is located in the Parish Center at St. Augustine
St. Ambrose Parish is rich with history. By the mid-19th century, Northford and North Branford had few Catholics who attended St. Patrick or St. Mary churches in New Haven.
After 1854, North Branford and Northford Catholics could celebrate Mass at the new St. Mary Parish, Branford, once every three weeks...
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday : 9 AM, St.Augustine
Tuesday : 6 PM Low Mass in the Extraordinary Form, St. Augustine
Thursday : No Mass
Saturday Vigil : 4:30 PM St. Augustine - English Ordinary, with no incense
Sunday : 9 AM St. Monica - English Ordinary, with no incense.
Sunday : 11 AM St. Augustine - Latin Ordinary, with use of incense.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Confessions are heard every Monday evening 5-6 PM and 30 minutes before each Mass (excepting Tuesday evening and Sunday).
All parishioners are asked to please be sure you are signed up to receive flocknotes for ongoing communication.
8:00 AM - St. Barnabas Church, North Haven
9:00 AM - St. Augustine Church, North Branford
12:10 PM - St. Barnabas Church, North Haven
6:00 PM - St. Monica Church, Northford
6:00 PM - St. Therese Church, North Haven
Monday Evenings : 5-6 PM at St. Augustine (with opportunity for Confession)
First Fridays: 5-6 PM at St. Augustine
Thank you to those who continue to support the parish through online giving, mail-in or drop-off donations! We are grateful for your generosity! If you haven’t yet signed up for online giving, we encourage you to join Father Turner and others who have done so here:
Its free and the easiest and most secure way to give. You can use online giving for all your giving - weekly, monthly, special collections, holy days and even religious education tuition. Please call the office if you assistance.
Date: December 4, 2023
Time: 05:00 PM -- 06:00 PM
Location: St. Augustine Church
Join us for Adoration every Monday evening throughout the year from 5-6PM. Come spend all or part of the hour with our Lord. Stop in anytime!
Date: December 5, 2023
Time: 09:30 AM -- 10:30 AM
Date: December 5, 2023
Time: 09:30 AM -- 10:30 AM
Location: St. Monica Church Hall - | 1331 Middletown Ave., Northford, CT 06471
Every other week at 9:30AM at St. Monica in the hall. New ladies are always welcome to join!
Date: December 5, 2023
Time: 06:00 PM -- 07:00 PM
Location: St. Augustine Church -
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